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9 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Lear... · 0 replies · +8 points
There are Christians out there who struggle with suicidal ideation. That does not mean that their faith is not real. It does not even mean that their faith is weaker than yours. It just means that they are suffering in a way that you, though good fortune, apparently never have.
I hope that you'll think a bit more the next time that you decide to write something that touches on suicide. Throwing suicidal Christians under the bus is thoughtless and inconsiderate. They deserve better than that.
9 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Lucy. · 0 replies · +11 points
This is the opening line of USA Today article "Discovery Rocks Human-Origin Theories" by Tim Friend. It was published on March 21, 2001.
The article says that the then-recently discovered Kenyanthropus platypus lived 3.5 million years ago, which would make it contemporaneous with Australopithecus afarensis. (Friend uses the name Lucy as if it is synonymous with A. afarensis. I really wish that people wouldn't do this, since it could easily give less-informed readers the impression that she is our only A. afarensis specimen, which simply isn't true.) The article also says that Kenyanthropus seems to resemble modern human beings a bit more closely than A. afarensis does in some respects. It also mentions Maeve Leakey saying that she thinks that Kenyanthropus is more likely to have been a direct ancestor to modern human beings than A. afarensis, but that it's also possible that neither of them are our direct ancestors. The article also points out that experts have understood for some time that assuming that we can trace human descent in a straight line which goes back to Lucy.
So, to make a long story short, the actual substance of the article does not support the sensationalistic claim made in it's first line. There is no reason to suppose that Kenyanthropus would lead scientists to scrap current theories of human origins, since it actually fits into those theories rather nicely. There isn't even much revision to be done. It doesn't much change our understanding of when or where human beings emerged.
Reuters reported that the discovery left “scientists of human evolution . . .confused,” saying, “Lucy may not even be a direct human ancestor after all.” USA Today
Although Ray attributes all of this to USA Today, this part isn't in the USA Today article that Ray quoted in the first line of this post. I've found other articles from USA Today articles mentioning Kenyanthropus, but neither of them contain the words which Ray's quoted. This is incredibly sloppy sourcing.
Regardless, as I've already explained, the discovery of Kenyanthropus is not particularly confusing and paleontologists have long understood that A. afarensis may not be a direct ancestor of modern human beings.
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: One ... · 0 replies · +8 points
It's true that the Bible does not endorse modern racial classifications, but that is hardly surprising. The modern concept of race developed with European expansion during the early modern period, centuries after the Bible had been composed. It's easy to avoid using a concept when that concept does not yet exist. When scientists say that the modern concept of race has no genetic basis, they are not catching up with the Bible any more than they are catching up with every other text written before the early modern period.
This is not to say that the creators of the Bible didn't have any idea of race at all, just that whatever idea of race they had, it is not going to match our idea of race. The men who wrote the Bible divided up humanity into different ethnic groups and told stories about the supposed ancestors of these groups. Some of Bible's writers clearly regarded their own ethnic group as superior to all others. They invented tales about their ancestors had committed genocide against other ethnic groups at God's command. They created laws which gave Hebrews preferential treatment over people from different ethnic groups. Not only did the creators of the Bible have something analogous to our concept of race, but parts of the Bible even condone something analogous to our racism, even if other parts seem to condemn it.
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Anot... · 0 replies · +6 points
"Jesus Christ" is used as an interjection in English because England has been Christian for hundreds of years. The language that we speak today developed in a country where everyone was Christian. So of course most of our religion-based profanity is going to reference Christianity. This is not going to be the case with languages that didn't develop in areas dominated by Christianity. For instance, if someone who speaks Mandarin Chinese wants to express surprise, dismay, or disgust, they are not going to use the name of Jesus Christ. The fact that English-speakers use "Jesus Christ!" as an interjection isn't a sign that everyone despises Jesus. It's a sign that Jesus has been venerated by the English for centuries.
Even if you look only at the English language, Jesus Christ isn't the only name that's used in this manner. Holy Moses, Ray! Would it really be so hard for you make sure that what you've written is accurate before you post it?
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Shak... · 0 replies · +5 points
Quirinius became governor of Syria in 6 AD. He would conduct his first census during that same year.
If you want to argue that Luke is describing another census, then that census must have taken place after 6 AD. Luke cannot have been describing a census that took place earlier than that because Quirinius would not have been governor yet and Luke claims that the census was taken after Quirinius was governor.
I'll agree with you that the census described by Luke doesn't really match the census of Quirinius. But that's only because no census matches what Luke describes. No census has ever told people that they need to go to be registered in the hometown of their ancestors from 1,000 years ago. It just doesn't make any sense.
If Luke is trying to describe the census of Quirinius in 6 AD, he's wrong when he says that Joseph had to go to Bethlehem because that's where David was from. If Luke was describing another census, he's still wrong about that point. And if he's trying to describe a census that took place in 9/8 BC, then he's not only wrong about that, he's also wrong when he claims that the first census of this sort took place when Quirinius was governor.
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Shak... · 0 replies · +5 points
I generally prefer using AD/BC over CE/BCE, but that's largely for aesthetic reasons. I don't consider Jesus to be my Lord, but as far as I'm concerned AD/BC notation system has a life of its own at this point and the origins of the system and what the letters stand for don't really matter that much at this point. But even though I personally prefer the AD/BC system, I don't go around misrepresenting the people who prefer the CE/BCE system.
The people who prefer the CE/BCE notation are taking the religious implications of AD/BC far more seriously than I am. They take what AD and BC stand for far more seriously than I do. They take the words that AD and BC stand for seriously. On the other hand, I don't take it seriously at all. They care about the religious implications of AD/BC, whereas I could not care less.
The calendar notation system that someone prefers is not an accurate way to determine how devoted they are to Jesus.
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Clea... · 0 replies · +9 points
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Dino... · 0 replies · +9 points
Other translations of the Bible once again seem to offer credence to this view. Where King James Version says "He moveth his tail like a cedar," the New Revised Standard Version says "It makes its tail stiff like a cedar." The English Standard Version says "He makes his tail stiff like a cedar." The Common English Bible says "He stiffens his tail like a cedar."
If someone came up to me and asked me what anatomical feature stiffens like a tree, I know what my answer would be. And it wouldn't have anything to do with tails.
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Dino... · 1 reply · +9 points
"The sinews of his stones"? What do you think that means? Well, one obvious meaning comes to mind. Since "stones" are not an anatomical feature, it seems likely that "stones" is likely a euphemism for a certain anatomical feature. It should be noted that the King James Version is a bit unusual in its use of the word "stones" in Job 40:17. Most English translation of the Bible use the word "thighs" instead. Since there are plenty of other Biblical examples of "thighs" being used as a euphemism for the anatomical feature that I'm thinking of, I think we can be pretty sure about what Job 40:14 is describing. And what Job 40:17 is describing is an anatomical feature that is exclusively found in mammals.
If Behemoth was a real animals (and not an imaginary monster) then it must have been a mammal. And dinosaurs are not mammals.
10 years ago @ - Words of Comfort: Imag... · 0 replies · +6 points
If you are going to argue for the existence of sin, it is not enough to just rattle off a bunch of things which a lot of people categorize as sins. You have to demonstrate that God exists, and that He has a set of rules that He wants us to follow.