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7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 1 reply · +7 points

My mom brought up this same point when I talked to her last night, and it's a good one. I'm inspired to recommit to activism, but I'm also reeling from the blow that this election has dealt to all the progress we've made in this country SINCE the 60s and 70s. The Black Lives Matter movement did a lot to remind me in my white-girl bubble that we're not so far past the days of the Civil Rights Movement, but this past week has REALLY made that crystal clear.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

I just put one on my coat lapel. It's something.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Election Hangover Open... · 0 replies · +6 points

No one on the train this morning in Chicago was making eye contact. All the joy we had after the World Series is dead.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Election Hangover Open... · 1 reply · +11 points

Yesterday my spouse and I finally made the decision to leave the city we live in for a new job offer he got. I was already devastated by the prospect of giving up a job, friends, family, and a city I love for something unknown. This feels like a kick in the face.

Oh, and I'm seeing Hamilton tonight. I'm going to sob the entire time.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points

It would be in the style Sufjan Stevens because yes, VERY tragically Midwestern. He's bounced back now!

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 3 replies · +7 points

My summer has mostly centered around my dad's health after an incident with a pork chop at a Perkin's in Indiana (it's the mundane things that will kill you, people), so it's been an anxious time of trying to be supportive for my parents. But I did get a couple good trips in: one to my alma mater with some old friends (we partied in our freshman dorm it was amazing) and one to Toronto to see my sister and brother-in-law's family (it was blissfully cool and non-humid). I'm also exercising a lot and feel better about my physical health than I have in years, which is at least making a dent in the increased level of anxiety that everything else in my life is producing!

8 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday open thread · 0 replies · +3 points

I had a bad week and rewatched the first season of Community. It helped.

8 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday open thread · 0 replies · +2 points

I was late to that party, watched the first few episodes, and found myself sighing in resignation whenever a song started. I'm totally not Into Theater enough.

8 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday open thread · 7 replies · +23 points

Hi everyone! I have been ADRIFT without the Toast. I joined Slack and gave up keeping up with it, started posting on Reddit, got a Medium account to yell at dudes on the Hairpin, went overboard on Twitter, and spent every lunch hour this week catching Pokemon.

I have the house to myself for the next five days, WHAT RIDICULOUS SHIT SHOULD I WATCH ON NETFLIX?

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 2 replies · +4 points

I think we're planning a Toast Wake brunch next weekend too?