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7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +3 points

There were less than 10,000 views when I saw this earlier. I don't mind admitting I cried tears of joy. I long for justice & good guys & truth again. I am positive Trump & the American people won't be cheated out of the election now. Plus he said in video he will keep us informed. Yahoo❗️

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +9 points

Hi you gorgeous deplorables--I have missed you so much! I haven't been able to even read anything because they would immediately attack the page and load whatever it is they do to me.

I was thinking that they may start seeing the tea leaves that there won't be anyone to pay them to harass anymore. We have Law & Order coming👍🏼

This election season I have had to erase my phone 4 times & the last 2 times w/o restoring. I noticed attacks started declining the past week so tried BR tonight & wanted so much to tell you it feels good to be home! Those of you that love the Lord will know He is with us and this dark cloud is going to be ripped open. I believe the games will commence in a few hours.

One thing--the FBI woke up a FOIA twitter site that was dormant for over a year in past few days. They will send records on someone/something if they get 3 requests. They are basically telling us to ask & they'll deliver by posting it on twitter site. While most are thinking HRC stuff--I wondered if we could request Barry Soetoro info. You can enter SS#'s which we have plenty of😬. I'll post links later, hopefully a new thread will start. Thank you BR, ❤️ You Birthers-- MAGA!

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Coordinated: Hillary C... · 2 replies · +13 points

This article put me over the edge. I really seriously have not nice thoughts in my head. I erased what I wanted to say...but it wasn't easy😕

22% of Resettled Refugees in Minnesota Test Positive for Tuberculosis

"In 2014, a total of 66% of reported TB cases in the United States occurred among foreign-born persons. The case rate among foreign-born persons (15.4 cases per 100,000 persons) in 2014 was approximately 13 times higher than among U.S.-born persons (1.2 cases per 100,000 persons)."

“Today four states – California, New York, Texas and Florida – have more than half the nation’s active TB cases, though they have only a third of the country’s population. The four states have the highest numbers of foreign-born residents,” according to the Star Tribune.(thanks to the traitor in chief using us as dumping ground)

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Stephanopoulos ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Just heard another Trump song put out by Baked Alaska--Build That Wall😁

[youtube GHqd0OV15iI youtube]

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Stephanopoulos ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Bob68, WingCommander, Tula and guest:

Thank you for all the helpful replies. I'm on iPhone only since 2012. That way their nonsense can only damage my phone instead of my computer too. I replaced everything after the 2012 election including phone numbers, phones(cell & home), router and computer plus everything left like iPads we had wiped clean, but it didn't matter. 64 hex key password broken within 2 days. Paid to have a company set up network twice in case I was doing something wrong. They were in within 2 days again. This is Obama's America. It's done purely for harassment.

I noticed a smarty pants left a message saying it's BR's fault, but the fact is there are twerps that specifically target BR because they can't stand the truth on here about Natural Born Citizen and our illegal squatter. We stuck to the truth even though it involved several Republican candidates this election. It was always about The Constitution to us and had nothing to do with race or party affiliation.
Barack is the perfect example of why you don't elect a president with divided loyalties.

Thanks for mentioning going through a different link to get to BR. That's how I finally got on yesterday & today using a different link I had saved. I had tried using someone else's iPad and the white page popped up saying it need to reload page & then I couldn't get back on BR. Now I know where to go to get a different link if I use that iPad again!

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Shock Video: Trump Sup... · 0 replies · +3 points

This is for pure entertainment value.
This will take you to a whole new level of crazy-guaranteed😁

Angry SJW Demands Student Journalist Be Punished For Filming trigglypuff

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Shock Video: Trump Sup... · 0 replies · +7 points

Newt Gingrich made a comment about Trump that ties in perfectly with a prophecy from an ex firefighter I posted last week. The prophecy said Donald J Trump would make a clean sweep during the election. Same words coming from Gingrich. If this happens it will be a sign God heard our prayers to heal our land. I can think of no one else but Trump(and God😁) who could pull this off.

Hillary Clinton represents all of the elements of Washington DC that people are in rebellion against… I think a lot of the millennials who were voting for Bernie Sanders are not going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I think they think she’s not honest. I think they’re bothered by her scandals with the Clinton Foundation, her scandals with her email server… There’ll be a lot of Democrats out there looking for someone to go to. In addition, Trump has somehow communicated with blue collar workers across America and we certainly see this in terms of registration numbers… We’ve had a 60% increase in Republican turnout this year compared to four years ago. There’s been about a 30% Democrat turnout decrease over 2008, the last time they had a contested nomination… Secretary Clinton is not exactly rousing people’s excitement…

I think it’s important this year because of the unique moment in time and because of the uniqueness of Donald Trump to erase all of our thinking about what kind of states could be in play. I think if Trump runs as aggressive campaign in the general election as he has done in the primaries all 50 states could be in play.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Shock Video: Trump Sup... · 0 replies · +3 points

I saw a clip where the audio was clear on Fox & Friends this morning and felt better about the man than I did yesterday. I could actually hear everything they were saying. I would have loved something mentioned like Rufus said about why was he following in Barry's footsteps and hiding papers that could prove US citizenship. He would have been more effective if he cut back his sarcasm a bit but I give him credit for getting put on the spot unexpectedly on national tv!

Here's a short clip of 2 people I like that loved the Trump supporter:

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Shock Video: Trump Sup... · 0 replies · +3 points

Neat song for Trump

[youtube AX7cd-Ir7tA youtube]

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Shock Video: Trump Sup... · 2 replies · +21 points

This only stiffens my resolve to elect Trump.

[youtube DCMZaBFcxrk&ebc=ANyPxKoObKaaB5w2_RmjQK99qw8n3L2zylHo65ZzJaNIqOC82mHVvv4yvcn6afX2eCK7uQ5c8UIa1HVLpW8aBT6AoWtgI5JYcw youtube]