


283 comments posted · 133 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ http://yeahgoodtimes.b... - I am at a loss (Relati... · 0 replies · +1 points

I so wish I could help you.

But all 3 of mine are so weird.

I'm not poking fun, just telling you, they are.

I have my days, believe me....

13 years ago @ - Wordless Wednesday - R... · 1 reply · +1 points

Animal prints?

Woman, you sure act like a good little Latina.

Sure you're all caucasian?

13 years ago @ http://yeahgoodtimes.b... - The Dive Bar Welcomes:... · 0 replies · +2 points

This? I will never know the true reasons behind his behavior.

I know it's got many layers: so many.

It's so hard to separate...anything you do would be a domino effect.

We take what we can get in life.

The sad reality of it.

The thing is? You, as ANYONE'S mother, kick ASS at anything when it comes to your kids and your flying hands alone are worth 2 sets of complete parents.

You know it, Tulpen. I've seen people try to were made to be his mother.

No one else can be Owen's ma.

The true beauty of life, alongside with the sad reality of it.

So many pieces that fit perfectly together, yet don't.

See? You can make me type drunk, even if I'm not.

Love you, woman.

13 years ago @ - {The Dimming of a Star} · 1 reply · +1 points

OF COURSE you'd have a tribute to Elizabeth here.

I grew up on her, with my mother's MovieWorld magazines.

Liz Taylor...who is like her now?? I can't think of a one.

13 years ago @ - Time-Travel Tuesday - ... · 0 replies · +1 points

We could have such fun together in real life.

I've been collecting old magazines since I was in the 8th grade. Something about the ads...and wtf? with that "lure HIM away from the poolboy?:

Does it mean what it seems to so blatanly mean?

ALSO: thanks for introing me to Adele.

CanNOT get enough of her.

Like I said, if we were together...we'd have a good time.

Music, drinks, and nostalgia.

13 years ago @ http://thereddressclub... - Nichole's Pick · 0 replies · +1 points

Holy cow, but I love your critique here.

How I wish I had the time to submit, and critique along.

You provide a beautiful online writers group here, RDC.

Any one able to link up, is so very lucky.

How can you help but not improve with every single prompt?


I enjoyed the critique here as much as the post.

13 years ago @ http://thereddressclub... - How To: Reader Respon... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very important post here.

What I'm in a quandary if I DO NOT understand a post at all, but they have a blogstalker on the sidebar...then I see that they'll know I was there.

I can't X out then.

I find myself having to say something inadequate, b/c I do not want to ever hurt someone;s feelings.

I just can't.

There was a blogger, she no longer blogs, who took the time to email me a 4 paragraph response based on the comment I left her.

She went on to tell me how we are all learning and that my writing wasn't all that perfect, either.

OKay then....I'll just see myself out.

Don't ask for Concrit if you really don't have the skin for it.

Just. Don't.

13 years ago @ The Martha Project - So you want to be a Tw... · 0 replies · +1 points

I loved this.

I met you through a tweet of jessica bern's. I followed her, and one day on twitter she said, "follow this very funny woman @thenextmartha."

So, you know, if @bernthis calls someone funny...well, I'm going to follow.

But that's all I know about you...from twitter.

I'd like to see you do another post on twitter etiquette BUT I'd really like to know how you became a twitter rock star.

I came in the middle of the game here...and I'd like to know.

Just my request.

And you are a a twitter superstar.

P.S. the HARDEST twitter group to crack is Milwaukee. When I reply or RT or ask the #milwaukeebloggers group anything. ANYTHING. They have yet to respond. None of them.

It is beyond the cold shoulder. I don't get it.

13 years ago @ The Squashed Bologna: ... - Coming Soon: Special N... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is an EXCELLENT idea.

I know it'll take on a life of it's own.

The reasons you state here, are the reasons I decided to start my own weekly feature, too.

I saw how Cheryl and Nichole and Pretty All True highlighted other bloggers, I wanted to give some of that back.
Now, I have a regular Thursday feature.

It feels right.

I look forward to the guests you'll have here, Varda.


13 years ago @ - Photos of the Day: Spr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, rather than tell you what I did do on the first day of spring (take care of 2 supersick kids) I'll tell you what I WOULD do if I had legs like my girl, Kerry.

I'd pose for pictures...just like that.