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10 years ago @ - 11/7 IMPACT Wrestling ... · 0 replies · +5 points

I think his point was that many Basketball fans are also wrestling fans, which has been proven many times in the past with Raw taking a hit when having to compete with an important game, same with Impact..

10 years ago @ - Discuss the Future of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

100% agreed. TNA needs to kick it into second gear, sooner rather then later..I do believe what we are expriencing now is a transitional period though, which usually consist of a stagnant booking..They have posted an ad looking for new writers so i honestly believe that the company is looking for a new direction..

10 years ago @ - Quarter Hour Ratings f... · 0 replies · +1 points

Bobby Roode must have alot of stroke backstage because rating wise, his promo/matches are either stable or always draw the lowest..Personally i think its his look - He looks generic, like an everyday wrestler..That makes people bored and change the channel. He needs a more flamboyance look, maybe try a blonde hair? Well i know he had some shade of blonde in his WWE tryout match..Maybe change his custom? Maybe decide on a solid finisher for him since he's been with the company for a decade now?

His crossface doesnt end matches. Tell me one guy that tapped out to Roodes crossface(Other then Magnus after having to face both Bad Influence members) recently. Its not even the fact thats its a very common finisher that people usually associate with Chris Benoit, Roode has not made that move believable because he hasn't made anyone tap to it, not anyone important that i can recall... Just strange booking all around.

10 years ago @ - Discuss the Future of ... · 1 reply · +1 points

If they cant come up with something different for comedy other then 2 guys rehashing the same shtick over and over again with no depth or context. then its about time to change creative, because this one has been reliant on the guys with natural talent to carry the show for far too long

10 years ago @ - Discuss the Future of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well if they let BI challenge different titles then im cool with that..My point is they need to separate them and give us great matches/promos for their break up feud along the way, its about time in my opinion.

10 years ago @ - Quarter Hour Ratings f... · 0 replies · +3 points

Mr Perfect was awesome, Ziggler is such a cheap knock off, they even gave him Perfect's orange straps for awhile..Good at selling moves but Hennig was great and actually had charisma and presence..

10 years ago @ - Discuss the Future of ... · 9 replies · +1 points

Im gonna play devils advocate a bit here and say that i think its time for Bad Influence to start the break up..I know many hardcore fans love them and i personally do as well, but their act has gotten very stale recently..It wasnt until i saw that in ring segment they had with the pumpkin last week that i was convinced of that.

It may be due to lack of competition, but either way, if we aint getting new tag teams, its time to give Daniels one final ME push, the guy isnt getting any younger and basically all he does now is take bumps and goof around..

I do hope this doesnt get deleted again..I am a TNA fan but i like to speak my mind, and i dont think i was offensive to anyone..

10 years ago @ - #IMPACT365: November 6th · 1 reply · +4 points

Look, if they want to have Pacman Jones there because its Cincinatti thats fine, nothing out of the ordinary with a d list celebrity on a wrestling show. Just dont build our expectations in a way that makes us think its a returning wrestler/past TNA personna and then expect us to care much when all you do is announce another minor hometown celebrity.

In the long run(And TNA learned that the hard way) it makes your promises seem empty,and it doesnt help build credibilty to your brand, not at a time when you need it the most.

10 years ago @ - #IMPACT365: November 6th · 4 replies · +3 points

Well, maybe i exaggerated a bit when i said "Big announcment" but it doesnt change my point. TNA has a history of not living up to their promises and Youtube fans are way too sensitive to grasp the nuances of a trolling attempt by the companies president, especially if they havent watched TNA when Jones was there.. All they see is a company hyping yet another big name(granted, not in a major way) and failing to deliver, especially so close to the "August warning" deal..

This could all very well lead to an interesting angle development with JJ showing up to confront Dixie about her decisions etc, but i've given TNA the benefit of a doubt so many times in the past, i feel they have earned my skepticism.

10 years ago @ - Quarter Hour Ratings f... · 0 replies · +1 points

You mean "its DAMN real"..Agree with your post. Im gonna play devils advocate a bit here and say that i think its time for Bad Influence to start the break up..I know many hardcore fans love them and i personally do as well, but their act has gotten very stale recently..It wasnt until i saw that in ring segment they had with the pumpkin last week that i was convinced of that.

It may be due to lack of competition, but either way, if we aint getting new tag teams, its time to give Daniels one final ME push, the guy isnt getting any younger and basically all he does now is take bumps and goof around..