


46 comments posted · 71 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 1 reply · +22 points

Mine was a plum tree.

(Shakes head in wonder and solidarity...)

I'm so grateful to you all.

8 years ago @ The Toast - The Negro Motorist Gre... · 0 replies · +21 points

Thank you, from Oakland. I feel like we've all been having the same conversation over and over again these last five (or is it fifteen?) years—but this goes deeper and truer. More honest about the long story, and the stakes. Beautiful writing, beautiful thinking.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 1 reply · +29 points

"Died of testosterone poisoning"!

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 1 reply · +8 points

Oh wait, speaking of mourning, is there a Bay Area Toast Wake happening? I'm so shy, but I will totally come to that.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 2 replies · +35 points

So, I'm the least morning-person ever—like, they feel like this mistake that just keeps happening...

And yet! my helpful brain awoke me at 5 today with the certainty that it was Time to Buy A Tote. It took until I'd dragged my laptop and wallet into bed with me (thing I never do) to remember that 9 - 3 = 6, ergo I was an hour early (thing that never happens for anything). At which point I drifted into a fitful dream that I was somehow on a conference call with Nicole and Marco and they were both Just So Lovely.

All of which is to say, mourning is complicated. You all, and this place, mean so much to me.

(Puts eyemask on, goes back to sleep.)

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 1 reply · +4 points

I'm ridiculously bad at music selection (Me, feeling sad: Maybe I should listen to this... requiem?), so I don't have any helpful suggestions, but I wanted to say congratulations! You all three look beautiful and sound gorgeous, and I love thinking of you making it Big—way to go!

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +8 points

Go your mom! Doing that seems so brave, in an ordinary-people-being-awesome way.

8 years ago @ The Toast - How To Buy Lingerie · 0 replies · +4 points

I'm so with you on this! And I think the key is here France, which is maybe less nipple-phobic as a culture? I've had great luck with Chantelle—they're beautifully made and now and then show up on sale at the big department stores...

8 years ago @ The Toast - How To Buy Lingerie · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you!

8 years ago @ The Toast - How To Buy Lingerie · 2 replies · +9 points

Agh, I'm probably too late to get any real advice on this one, but does anyone know of a substitute for my beloved Mary Greens, which were the PERFECT silk panties for life (lightweight and beautiful colors and 100 percent silk and a boyshort cut and no panty lines ever) but are now discontinued and I'm basically just mending the old ones* forever like some low-budget scarlet woman.

Seriously though, any silk panty recommendations?

(*A task which I can never do without thinking of Dora and the girls in Cannery Row sewing Doc a quilt made out of "underclothing and evening dresses ... glorious in strips of flesh pink and orchid and pale yellow and cerise". Sigh.)

(And triple sigh of Toast-lost—where else is a comment like this even postable?)