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9 years ago @ http://eqmegathreads.b... - hello · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm still here, for what it's worth.

I might have to ask Hyper what's up with the other site, if you haven't already. Don't remember if he set it up or not, but he might know.

9 years ago @ Discord's Domain - pretty pony pictures #115 · 0 replies · +2 points

#21: Fluttershy apparently likes the Luna picture above her, and so do I...

#26: Big Mac for god-tier waterbender.

9 years ago @ Discord's Domain - pretty pony pictures #114 · 9 replies · +2 points

Don't have a whole lot to say on this one today, other than I really love #14.

9 years ago @ Discord's Domain - pretty pony pictures #105 · 1 reply · +2 points

Ventious always deserves a header.

#17: I guess mystical or majestic would be a good word choice to describe this one. Love it.

10 years ago @ Discord's Domain - pretty pony pictures #63 · 4 replies · +1 points

Needs more Maud Pie...

10 years ago @ Discord's Domain - pretty pony pictures #38 · 0 replies · +2 points

It is indeed. I'm glad something made me smile today...

10 years ago @ Discord's Domain - some shyabetes · 0 replies · +3 points

Yes...thank you. Time to make it into a screen saver...

10 years ago @ Discord's Domain - some shyabetes · 2 replies · +3 points

To me, the cutest part is where she just falls over onto her pillow...

10 years ago @ Discord's Domain - pretty pony pictures #24 · 0 replies · +2 points

The amount of Luna here pleases me. Especially like #12.

10 years ago @ Discord's Domain - pretty pony pictures #21 · 1 reply · +2 points

Yeah, I realized that a while back. After enough time you get burnt out or things change with the show and everything, like you mentioned, and eventually you just stop caring as much or at all (in my case, at least). Me, I still watch the show but honestly I don't feel the same about it like I used to in the beginning. It has changed and whether I feel it's been better or worse, I honestly can't say for myself. I guess I"m just indifferent and apathetic like I am with just about everything else anymore, with a few exceptions. I made a few good friends out of it all and that's really the extent of it anymore. And other than art, I haven't cared about anything fandom related for a long time now. The old days were fun but a lot of the enjoyment I used to have from it got lost along the way. This year's Bronycon might be the last I do anything related to the show (and by the time season five comes out I might not care at all anymore). And I've always dealt with general depression (it's heavily genetic in my family). It's changed over the years along with me; maybe worse now. The brief reprieve I initially got from the show was nice, I guess...

And that's a good track. I've slowly taken more of a liking to harder metal over years. Any others you might recommend?