
5 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Woods to return to gol... · 1 reply · +1 points

Remember last Summer at the NY Open where Mickelson was heckled about his need to make the money for curing his wife's recently diagnosed cancer? That was not cool but it happened. Consider, that along with the pressure of the game itself, Tiger won't be able to handle the guy's who know how to needle little punks like himself. Oh wait, I forgot, his Caddie said he is going to run into the gallery and take care of 'em. Superb.

15 years ago @ - Healthcare battle \'is... · 1 reply · +41 points

Of course it isn't about HIM because HE will be exempt from the NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH system once it has been established.

15 years ago @ - Thousands protest in I... · 1 reply · +1 points

To all you Libs who don't think an armed and determined militia can't take down the Government then read a little history about a third rate country in South East Asia that kicked our ass.

15 years ago @ - Thousands protest in I... · 0 replies · +4 points

The protesters need to start taking away the Govt's. gun's, start making molotov cocktails and begin the insurrection with the tools of revolution. How inept can they be? They will not get HOPE & CHANGE until they KILL their Tyrants. Eh tu, Brute?

15 years ago @ - California faces fresh... · 0 replies · +1 points

His latest gem to help stem the shortfall is alarming to me. The Governor wants to assist the income of our State economy by selling us dope. This is his brilliant idea; legalize marijuana so it can be taxed. He is an absolute moron. And it is a dangerous idea to enable the State to sell dope to the People.