
137 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Petrol Dealers Associa... · 0 replies · +52 points

why are they special?

so the next time i sign a contract where the terms are wonderful for me for the first 30 years, then at the last couple months, suddenly there is a change in law and that contract becomes unfavorable to me, i can treat the matter as a social issue and demand that the government rescue me because "its not fair"?

when the price go up up up, you sell at a profit dont u? u milk people. but at that time, never hear you ask for consignment model which you now suddenly claim is a fairer model? if at that time someone proposed consignment model u would have said buying in advance is more fair!

you lot are just facing a business risk...yes, a big one, but ultimately no different from any other business risk. that risk was wonderful in favor of u for years and you all got fat and contented. now the risk isnt panning out and you are expecting to be rescued.

cannot make money, lose money, then do what all the rest of businessmen do. close shop and do other business, or think of ways to make your business better. do it the old fashioned way...sell your services. no more taking customers for granted just because you know you are selling something people will buy. those days are gone. so man-up and start being competitive like any other business.

pkr, please dont politicise this for cheap mileage.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Can we have equal educ... · 0 replies · +16 points

this guy is either ignorant or naive.

which country has schools which are all equal? where is this magical land?

there will be good schools and there will be not so good schools. those that have money can go to the schools that their money can buy.

you think good, dedicated, teachers are spilling out of the teaching colleges in droves, hungry and full of passion to teach?

the good teachers, you think they wanna go teach in the jungles and kampungs and dead-end towns for peanuts? would you?

you think the millions of ringgit in education budgeting is fairly distributed among all schools and nothing is siphoned from the top right to the bottom?

those with the right skin color can go to the schools open only for them. and even then, they must be the right CLASS of the right skin color.

just as there are nice neigborhoods and there are slums. you might as well ask, why cant every suburb be like Damansara Heights or Bangsar? why some people can have nice roads, unifi, public amenities, and some places the garbage piles up because no one collects?

forget about equal schools. we dont even have equal admissions.

wake up from your utopian slumber of idealism and join the real world that the rest of us average working ahmads, ah kongs and rajus live in. what are you smoking man and where can i get some bro?

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Politicians and the de... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'll believe that when i read a critical article of Azmin Ali, the Savior (according to TMI).

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Single-stream schools ... · 6 replies · +98 points


1) 1 stream of school. Medium of instruction is English. Mother tongue classes. Bahasa subject compulsory for all. adopt the good teaching practices of chinese schools.

2) Universities open to all, only criteria is merit. No more universities reserved for 1 race only and no more racial quotas.

3) scholarship aid for all deserving candidates, regardless of race.

The nons dont want to agree to (1). the malays dont want to agree to (1), (2) and (3). We can talk until the cows come home but the answer is simple. put aside emotion and think about what is best for the children and for this country. but then no one wants to lose votes...

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Charlie Hebdo and our ... · 1 reply · +4 points

"Personally, if these people think that they can degrade my religion and offend me"

But you see, that is not what they were trying to do. They were making a point and that point is this:

The more something holds itself up as being beyond criticism, beyond lampooning, beyond ridicule, the more necessary it is for it to be criticized and to be lampooned and be ridiculed.

The more someone says "if you say X or show X, we will use violence and murder to stop you", the more necessary it is for X to be said and shown.

This is not hate. In fact, making this point, standing up for it, takes commendable courage. yes, courage to say something crude. but courage nonetheless. and they paid the price for that courage.

These journalists (who included muslims) have been receiving death threats long before this attack. Do you think they would risk their lives and the lives of their families purely for something as simple as making Muslims have a bad day?

No. the point CH was and is trying to make is far larger than the "feelings" of Muslims.

The point is that I cannot decide what you can say and you cannot decide what I can say. You are free to disagree if you like and so am I. Anything that has a status of being beyond any kind of reproach, beyond ridicule, has power and power can corrupt, can influence, can subvert. Religion illustrates this and one need not look further than our own shores to witness this. Ridicule is a potent weapon against this.

A religion is no more beyond ridicule than any other belief, religious or otherwise. It is a belief. Yes, you can adhere to it if you wish and I respect your right to do so. But your religion to me is no more important than a belief in feng shui or in scientology or that the sun will rise tomorrow. It is just another belief and if I can make fun of those beliefs, yours should be of no exception. Insulted? Tune out, turn the page, change the channel, walk away.

Sadly, many Muslims (not all) choose instead to raise a gun.

Muslims may say "If Christians are prepared to accept their religion being ridiculed that is their choice. I wont stand for Islam being ridiculed". But you see, no one cares what you stand for. You are entitled to object, even detest, what I do. Thats your choice. Offence is no license to harm or to call for harm on others.

Muslims must understand this, just as the rest of the civilized world understands it.

You taking offence, you being insulted, that is of no importance and should not be.

Sadly, this simple idea is lost on many Muslims, including this writer.

People get offended everyday over all sorts of things. Your religion does not make you deserving of special treatment. Whether you are offended or not, whether something is offensive or not, has nothing to do with anything. It certainly cannot have anything to do with committing murder.

There are so many of these articles (overwhelmingly by Muslims) who go "the attack was deplorable and heinous and i do not support it one bit ..BUT...."

It just goes to show how some people just dont get it.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Cardiff goes blue agai... · 1 reply · +23 points

he knows his decision to change the colors was a wrong move

so he had to think of some way to correct the move....without losing face or look like he was admitting he was wrong

this way, he is saying i am listening to my mother, not to you. so okay-lah, it remains blue but not because u asked me to do so.

his pomposity is matched only by his cluelessness.

a good leader will try to win over the loyalty and admiration of his followers. not place his ego above them.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Charlie Hebdo may be b... · 0 replies · +8 points

Has this fella even READ Charlie Hebdo?

Charlie Hebdo is as left-wing as it gets. they believed that everyone is equal, and that means no one is beyond being made fun of. jews, christians, muslims, you name it. Nothing is sacred and beyond criticism. Vulgar, crude, shocking, yes. I personally found them to be in bad taste and not that funny. But racist and bigoted? That couldnt be further from the truth.

In fact, CH was absolutely hated by the right-wing, the white power groups and the nationalists. CH had a very multi-racial and multi-cultural staff. yes, including muslims too (who were sadly gunned down).

Calling CH racist is like calling Mad Magazine racist because they drew some slanty eyed caricatures of asians or calling heavy metal bands racist because they have jesus on their album covers. Come on lah, dont be so bloody simple.

TRUE racism, bigotry, and xenophobia is men and women being denied their dues and their rights because of their beliefs and the colour of their skin.

and btw, Voltaire never said that.

yes, write what you think. but make sure what you think is informed in the first place.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Autism centre owner as... · 0 replies · +89 points

"Then one of the neighbours said that it was a centre for retarded and extraordinary children. So naturally we were shocked and worried"

please dont so shocked at special children. As your comment illustrates, the only Retard here is you Mr Chen.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Home Minister’s ... · 0 replies · +15 points

i wonder from where (or from whom) he gets that kind of money to play with? hmm.....

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Let public decide on H... · 1 reply · +195 points

When he was a judge, I wonder how many of this Racist's judgments were influenced by his racism and hate.