


10 comments posted · 127 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 1 reply · +1 points

100% Agree... on almost everything...I've lived here for the better part of 3 years now and have known about this area from day 1.

The DNR has stated they've know about it for quite sometime.

I think its something that is just being blown way out of proportion...but you've got to admit some of the comments are pretty funny.

15 years ago @ GazetteOnline.com - Gay sexual encounters ... · 0 replies · +1 points

well it is a proven fact that most married guys...do go to "Bare Butt Hill" to get what their wives won't give them...so they can do it in what they think is privacy.

Just as a side note...usually people how have problems with this sort of stuff usually have a secret of their own. Why else would the person keep going back.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 0 replies · -1 points

As do I

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 0 replies · +3 points

well there could be signs posted that way everyone who comes to this specific area would know that its a known 'nude area'

Just looking at it from a different more, open angle I guess.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 2 replies · -1 points

Well hey then...should you really be complaining? I mean I'm just going by the words you state in the story.

Sounds to me like someone got caught taking a child where they really shouldn't have and is now making a big fuss about it.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 0 replies · +3 points

I'm not nudist (well unless you count me walking naked from the shower to my room in my home as being nudist) however I did take your advice and googled "Nudist Colonies, Iowa" there's 1. Just random fyi.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 6 replies · -1 points

but you stated you know what happens, and you don't want your kids to see but yet you go there anyway knowing full well that you'll probably see two people going at it in the bushes.

Sounds fishy to me. I would think that if you really didn't want your children to see something you'd find a new fishing hole.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 8 replies · -2 points

Frankly if you knew about this and knew what happened there...WHY ON EARTH would you even consider taking a child there?

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 2 replies · -2 points

Well now you know... Do I advocate it no...to many bugs, but if its a known hot spot why take kids there? Seems pretty stupid if you ask me.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Sexual Encounters in J... · 6 replies · 0 points

This area is known as 'Bare Butt Hill'...and is advertised as a nude wilderness area at many websites (google it and find out). This is not new news. Most gay and straight nudist know about this area and frequent it often... So my question is why would you take children there to begin with. COME ON, that's just asking for trouble.