


61 comments posted · 6 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - In UK divorce hearing,... · 0 replies · +13 points

The lady is NOT crazy NOR stupid, your reading is quite lauya lah ......

"Laura Ashley boss Khoo, 75, wants a judge in Malaysia to make decisions, while Chai, 67, favours the English court, citing their move to their home in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, before separating in 2013"

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - In UK divorce hearing,... · 0 replies · +2 points

The lady is NOT crazy NOR stupid, your reading is quite lauya lah ......

"Laura Ashley boss Khoo, 75, wants a judge in Malaysia to make decisions, while Chai, 67, favours the English court, citing their move to their home in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, before separating in 2013"

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Don’t blame cour... · 0 replies · +18 points

Our Govt had always preferred to "Look East" & "Look West" BUT it had always refused to "Look South"; actually our Govt. has been following our Southern neighbour all this while - our Govt. is "Kia-Su", "Kia-Si" & "Kia-Bo"!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Rafizi probed for sedi... · 0 replies · +39 points

"He (Rafizi) told Malaysiakini that a police report had been lodged against him by an NGO in Petaling Jaya alleging that the letter had been seditious."

Since "the letter had been seditious", then the charge should be against the author of the letter & NOT against Rafizi or anyone else for that matter.

For the NGO to lodge a police report against Rafizi & for the police to question Rafizi for 2 hours just shows that our education system has "gone to the dogs" to produce these 2 sets of nincompoops who is devoid of any common sense &/or brains.

May God have mercy on Malaysia, Ameen!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Muhyiddin’s &lsq... · 0 replies · +115 points

Recently, many have said openly that the original May 13 incident in 1969 was NOT a racial riot BUT a POLITICAL riot orchestrated by the incumbent Menteri Besar in view of the stalemate in the Selangor Assembly arising from the 10th May 1969 General Elections.

If so, by Muhyiddin's comment is he indirectly admitting what everyone has known but kept quiet for more than 45 years that the May 13 incident was created by the a political party to retain control of Selangor?

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Misbun or Lin Dan? &nd... · 0 replies · +1 points

RT, being a 1st generation Malay aka "new Malay", is trying his level best to prove that he is more Malay than the Malays in general. He is a copy cat who has copied from MM, another 1st generation Malay, who over-proved himslef so much so that we are now paying for his past "sins".

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Selangor MB must clear... · 0 replies · +32 points

You're right, Komentar20; cos .........

BN (when it had the majority) = Barisan Nasional
BN (when it lost the majority) = Brainless Nincompoops

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Of Allah and the state... · 1 reply · +9 points

Instead of using the "1Malaysia" slogan to unify the diverse races within Malaysia, Najib should have used the "1God" slogan since most religions believe in the Almighty Creator.

Also the 3 main religions today had their origins in the Middle East & they ALL believe in the same god called "Allah" in Arabic (& we in Malaysia just borrowed the word from the Arabs) which means "The God". The 3 faiths believed that God created Adam & Eve (aka Adam & Hawa), if so then we are ALL descendants from them.

Thus, if we accept that we are ALL descendants from Adam & Hawa; plus that we are ALL worshipping the God of Adam & Hawa, the God of Noh (aka Noah) , the God of Ibrahim (aka Abraham), the God of Ishak (aka Isaac) & the God of Yacob (aka Jacob), why then do we allow the (B)UMNO politicians & the fanatics to confuse us as God by any other Name (Allah, Yahweh, etc., etc.) is still the same - "The God" which in Arabic is "Allah".

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Allah ban: Attorney Ge... · 0 replies · +15 points

How can someone who isn't the founder/developer/creator copyright an item? Can a "user" of Microsoft product copyright it? That's is what the COA's decision is tantamount to.

The "Allah" word predates Prophet Muhammad & Islam as it was used in the Middle East by Jews & Arabs since time immemorial. So who created the "Allah" word which is actually a composite word of "ilah" (god) & "al" (the) to become "Alilah" (The God) & later "Allah"? Can he/she please come forward & copyright it?

The Home Minister, the COA judges & the (right wing/fanatical) Muslim clerics CANNOT copyright something that is NOT theirs.

If this is allowed to stand then our Malay neighbours may prohibit the children of the non-Malays from calling their fathers "Ayah" as it would confuse the Malay children. Then, by the same (illogical) logic, the Westerners may prohibit us from using the words "Dad" / "Pa" / "Pop" to call our fathers.

Now doesn't this sound so nonsensical & illogical? Well, that's how the rest of the world (plus the non-Malays & the right-thinking Malays) think of the COA's decision.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Post · 0 replies · +3 points

Quote - "If Malaysia stands alone in the world on this issue, it could either mean that our judges are wrong, or that the other countries are wrong. It does not matter. Let them say Malaysia has allowed Allah to be copyrighted by the (Malaysian) Muslims."

How can someone who isn't the founder/developer/creator copyright an item? Can a "user" of Microsoft product copyright it? That's is what the COA's decision is tantamount to.

The "Allah" word predates Prophet Muhammad & Islam as it was used in the Middle East by Jews & Arabs since time immemorial. So who created the "Allah" word which is actually a composite word of "ilah" (god) & "al" (the) to become "Alilah" (The God) & later "Allah"? Can he/she please come forward & copyright it?

The Home Minister, the COA judges & the (right wing/fanatical) Muslim clerics CANNOT copyright something that is NOT theirs.

If this is allowed to stand then our Malay neighbours may prohibit the children of the non-Malays from calling their fathers "Ayah" as it would confuse the Malay children. Then, by the same (illogical) logic, the Westerners may prohibit us from using the words "Dad" / "Pa" / "Pop" to call our fathers.

Now doesn't this sound so nonsensical & illogical? Well, that's how the rest of the world (plus the non-Malays & the right-thinking Malays) think of the COA's decision.

I rest my case!