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9 years ago @ Camera Deals - Potentially good deal:... · 0 replies · +1 points

oh yes! I wasn't clear! On a Windows 8 desktop, I will definitely de-Tile/de-Charm/de-Win8 as you described! On the laptop, I am trying to get that elusive "Windows 8 Experience" ambiance. Eventually the experiment/my-patience will end and will de-Tile it :) I'm using the Chromebook more and more these days anyway..

9 years ago @ Camera Deals - Potentially good deal:... · 0 replies · +1 points

Windows 10 can't get here fast enough! I wonder what was going on in those meetings where they were deciding to do what they did with Windows 8! It would make a best selling book!

Between the Tiles and the Charms bar, the first thing that comes to mind is a CW TV show :)

That's the beginning of an essay you have there, "Learning to love Windows 8"! On a small laptop, I learned to accept the Tiles/Charms, but on a desktop, I am not there yet :)

9 years ago @ Camera Deals - PayPal increases time ... · 0 replies · +1 points

indeed! it removes one of the stumbling blocks with people being jittery when it comes to buying cameras and lenses from eBay. Perhaps the competition in the mobile payments market is finally pushing PayPal & eBay in the right direction.

9 years ago @ 1001 Noisy Cameras - Moving to Wordpress so... · 0 replies · +3 points

thanks :-) This (Main Blog) may actually happen tonight - if I finish a few preliminary posts. It has to happen late at night to minimize explosions for most people.

9 years ago @ Camera Deals - Pre-order Panasonic LX... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great points! It's like sensor prices are what they used to be in 2004! Hopefully the prices will come down to reality. Unless it's a more sinister plan to go after a mini-Leica-ish high-profit margin demographic and they don't care/plan to sell a lot of them? Kinda risky to do though given how busy and congested the enthusiast camera market is.

10 years ago @ Camera Deals - New Woot-OFF started T... · 0 replies · +1 points

yeah, the woot-offs have been getting less exciting than they used to. from what I recall reading (unless I imagined it), the original founder of Woot is starting a new Woot type of a website. Maybe his no-compete agreement ended. It was a short website name, but can't remember it right now.

10 years ago @ Camera Deals - Preorder new Tamron 70... · 0 replies · +1 points

thanks for catching it! it is now corrected!

10 years ago @ Camera Deals - Preorder new Panasonic... · 0 replies · +1 points

very good points! it will be interesting to see how 4K plays out. Will it be lukewarm like the various 3D attempts or gain more support like 1080p/BluRay? Are there enough 4K early adopters willing to pay Panasonic's high price? It may also go after and against some of the camcorders with the big zoom ratio lenses since this offers a 1-inch sensor and RAW imaging.

10 years ago @ Camera Deals - Refurbished Nikon J1 w... · 0 replies · +1 points

the prices are crazy low with one or two lenses! Just a few years ago one had to pay close to $200 to get a decent AA-powered P&S camera with a tiny 1/2.x" sensor. Now it's an interchangeable with a 1-inch sensor and RAW and other goodies!

10 years ago @ Camera Deals - Camera & Photo Lig... · 0 replies · +1 points

LOL! Unless they are saving those for the Monday sessions now. But still, neither bags nor tripods/monopods combined is a shocker! :) Or maybe bags are doing the rain and snow seasons?